Store Sales

All Spring Season Tagger kits will stay at $1.00

My Blinkie

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**Ct AmyMarie's Kits** PTU Yellow Rose PU Clusters by DBL And showoff tags

PTU Yellow Rose is a beautiful kit filled with different hues of yellows and blues 94 elements & 20 papers the elements are floral and girly i had a blast with this kit
I have a PTU Cluster Pack for you today with 3 showoff tags made with the Clusters ion this pack!
I hope you like them can't wait to see what do do with the Clusters as well as the kit!
AmyMarie's Kits Store is having an awesome sale right now 
Tagger Kits & Clusters only .74 cents. NEW CU/PU tubes for a limited time only 74 cents.Clusters with tubes on sale for $1.15. Kits with tubes $1.50.
So Rush on over and load your carts with all your tagging needs!
You can find these and many other cluster packs by me 


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